Kamel Rouibah
January 27, 2023 2023-01-27 21:51Faculty Profile
- Ph.D., Ecole Supérieure des Affaires (ESA), Université Pierre Mendes France, Grenoble II, France
- Master of Science, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Génie Industriel (ENSGI) and Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), France.
- Engineering, Ecole Nationale Polytechnique (ENP), Algeria
Dr. Kamel Rouibah is Full Professor of information systems, College of Business Administration (CBA), Kuwait University. He holds a PhD in Information Systems from Ecole Polytechnique of Grenoble, France. Before joining CBA, he worked at the Faculty of Technology Management at Eindhoven (Netherlands).
His research interests include three research areas, all of which he also researches from international- and cross-cultural perspectives: (1) Engineering Data Management and Workflow Management, (2) Human Computer Interaction and Online Deviance; (3) Information System / Information Technology and e-business Acceptance, Diffusion, Satisfaction, and Continuous Use. His methodological strengths are in theory building, literature reviews, meta-analysis, structural equation modelling, multilevel analysis, instrument development, and online surveys. He conducts research on the international-, organizational-, group, and individual-level. Read More…
He has authored/coauthored over 60 research publications in peer-reviewed reputed journals and conference proceedings. His publications appeared in several leading journals: Journal of Strategic Information System, Computers in Human Behavior, International Journal of Information Management, ECRA, IT & People, Journal of Global Information Management, Computers in Industry, Information Management & Computer Security, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing; Robotics & Computer Integrated Manufacturing Journal; Journal of Decision System; Journal of Engineering Design, International Journal of Handheld Computing Research, Telematics and Informatics, and International Journal for E-Adoption. He has received the excellence younger researcher award from Kuwait University for the academic year 2001/2002.
Dr Rouibah has directed many funded research projects, including European projects, and has served as the program committee member of various international conferences (Australasian Conference of Information Systems-ACIS, Information System Development-ISD; ACM Symposium on Applied Computing on e-Business Applications; IADIS, etc.). He also sits on the Editorial Board of several IS journals and acts a reviewer for various international journals (IT & People, Journal of Global Information Management, Industrial Management & Data System, International Journal of e-Adoption, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Information Management & Computer Security, International Journal of Handheld Computing Research, International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, Communication of the IIMA.).
He serves as the Associate Editor of the Australasian Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, International Journal of Mobile Devices, Wearable Technology, and Flexible Electronics, Arab Journal of Administrative Sciences. He also served as an Associate Editor of well-known conferences including ICIS (2019), ECIS (2020 and 2021)
He is the co-editor of “Emerging markets and e-commerce in developing economies” book. He has taught many information systems courses in France, Netherlands, and Kuwait.
Expertise and Research Interests
- Engineering Data Management and Workflow Management
- Human Computer Interaction and Online Deviance
- Information System / Information Technology and e-business Acceptance, Diffusion, Satisfaction, and Continuous Use
- Hwang Y., Kim, S., K., Shin, D., (2021). The Moderating Effects of Leader Member Exchange for Technology Acceptance Model: An Empirical Study within Organizations. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 33 (04), July-August, 1-27; DOI: 10.4018/JOEUC.20210701.oa1 [From IGI; ISSN: 1546-2234; Journal Impact factor = 1.882, Journal Ranking= Q3 [100/156] in Strategy and Management according to JCR of Thomson & Reuter]
- K., Al-Qirim N. and Hwang Y. (2021). The determinants of eWoM in Social Commerce: the role of perceived value, perceived enjoyment and satisfaction. Journal of Global of Information Management Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp: 75-102 [From IGI; ISSN: 1062-7375; Journal Impact factor =1.213, Journal Ranking= Q3 Business & International Management according to JCR of Thomson & Reuter]
- Rouibah K. and Al-Hasan A. (2019). Continuous Intention of MIS graduates to stay working in the MIS field: The effect of Wasta and skill-job fit: A perspective from an Arab country. Journal of Global of Information Management 27(2) pp: 136-158. [From IGI; ISSN: 1062-7375; Journal Impact factor =0.517, Journal Ranking= Q3 according to JCR of Thomson & Reuter] – https://doi.org/10.4018/jgim.2019040108
- Rouibah, Lowry P., and Hwang Y., (2016). The effects of perceived enjoyment and perceived risks on trust formation and intentions to use online payment systems: New perspectives from an Arab country. Electronic Commerce Research and Application (ECRA), 19, September–October 2016, pp. 33–43 [From Elsevier, ISSN: 1567-4223; Journal Impact Factor =2.139 , Journal Ranking = Q1, according to JCR], http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.elerap.2016.07.001
- Hwang, Y., Al-Arabiat, M., Rouibah, K. and Chung, J. (2016). Toward an Integrative View for the Leader-Member Exchange of System Implementation. International Journal of Information Management, 36, 976–986 [From Elsevier, ISSN: 1567-4223-Journal Impact Factor=8.210 , Journal Ranking = Q1 according to JCR 2019], http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.06.008
- Rouibah, and Lowry P.B., and Al-Mutairi L., (2015). B2C Systems Success Dimensions: Testing a Modified DeLone & McLean IS Success Model in Kuwait in an E-Commerce Context. Journal of Global Information Management Vo. 23, No 3, pp. 41-70 [From IGI, ISSN: 1062-7375; Journal Citation Reports, and SCOPUS; according Thomson Scientific Reuters Computes, Journal
- Al-Rafee S. and Rouibah, (2010). The Fight against Digital Piracy: An Experiment. Telematics and Informatics Vol. 27, No 3, pp. 283-292 web site: www.journals.elsevier.com/telematics-and-informatics – [From Elsevier; ISSN: 0736-5853; listed in Ulrich and SCOPUS databases, and Information Sciences Institute – [Journal Impact Factor=3.39 and Q1: 10/85, Journal Ranking=Q1 according to JCR]; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2009.12.002
- Ramayah, Rouibah K.,. Gopi M., and Rangel G.J., (2009). A decomposed theory of reasoned action to explaining Intention to use Internet Stock Trading among Malaysian Investors. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 25 , No 6, pp. 1222-1230; Web: http://ees.elsevier.com/chb/ – [from ELSEVIER; Netherlands; ISSN: 0747-5632, indexed by Scopus]- [Journal Impact Factor=2.880, Journal Ranking=Q1 according to JCR od Thomson Reuter]; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2009.06.007
- Rouibah K., Ramayah T. and May O. S. (2009). User acceptance of internet banking in Malaysia: Test of three acceptance models. International Journal for E-Adoption, Vol.1, No1,January-March 200, 9 pp. 1-19 Web: http://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-adoption-ijea/1107 [From IGI Global, USA, ISSN 1937-9633; Indexed by Ulrich database] –[Journal Impact Factor=Not listed in JCR, Journal Ranking=Not listed in JCR]; DOI: 10.4018/jea.2009010101
- Rouibah K., and Hamdy, , (2009). Factors Affecting Information Communication Technologies Usage and Satisfaction: Perspective From Instant Messaging in Kuwait. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), Vol. 17, No 2; April/June 2009; pp. 1-29; Web: www.igi-global.com/journal/journal-global-information-management-jgim/1070; [From IGI; ISSN: 1062-7375; Journal Impact factor =0.517, Journal Ranking= Q3 according to JCR of Thomson & Reuter]; DOI: 10.4018/jgim.2009040101
- Rouibah K. (2008). Social Usage of Instant Messaging by individuals outside the workplace in Kuwait: A structural Equation Model. IT & People 21, No 1, pp. 34-68; [From Emerald; ISSN: 0959-3845; indexed in Scopus, and Thomson Reuters, Journal Impact Factor=1.339 in JCR 2016 , Journal Ranking = Q2 according to JCR]; DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09593840810860324 ; The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 1739 times since 2008
- Rouibah K., Rouibah S., Aaslt v.d., (2007): Combining Workflow and PDM: Enhancing the Workflow Module of axalantTM based on the WfMC and STEP standards. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing , 20, No 8, December 2007, pp. 811-827; web: www.tandfonline.com/toc/tcim20/current; [from Taylor & Francis; indexed in several databases such as Scopus, Impact Factor: 1.071; Online ISSN: 1362-3052] Journal Impact Factor=0.297, Journal Ranking= Q4 according to JCR)
- Rouibah K. and K Caskey (2003), Change Management in Concurrent Engineering from a Parameter Perspective. Computers in Industry, vol. 50, no 1, January 2003, pp 15-34; web: journals.elsevier.com/computers-in-industry; [from El Sevier, Netherlands, ISSN:0166-3615; Impact Factor: 1.937] (Journal Impact Factor=0.692 , Journal Ranking= Q2 according to JCR)
- Rouibah K. and Ould-Ali S. (2002). PUZZLE: a concept and prototype for linking business intelligence to business strategy. Journal of Strategic Information System, [edited by El Sevier- Netherlands] vol 11, n0 2, September 2002, pp 133-152 – Top 25 requested papers, April 2002 – April 2004 Web http://www1.elsevier.com/homepage/sae/orms/top25/journal_strategic_information_systems.html [from El Sevier, Netherlands, ISSN:0963-8687; Impact Factor: 00] (Journal Impact Factor=1.346 , Journal Ranking= Q1 according to JCR)
- 2018: Full Professor of Information Systems, College of Business Administration
- 2016-2018: Director of the Research Development, College of Business Administration
- 2006-2017: Director of the student exchange program, College of Business Administration
- 2010-2011: Visiting professor, University of Oulu, Finland
- 2007-2018: Associate Professor of management information systems, College of Business Administration
- 2001-2007: Assistant Professor, College of Business administration, Kuwait University, Kuwait
- 1998-2001: Research Associate, Faculty of technology Management, Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE), and Netherlands
- 1994-1998 : Scientific Researcher (Docteur-ingénieur) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France
- 1992-1993: Teaching Assistant, Institut National de la Planification et des Statistiques (INPS), Algeria
- Best researcher (category of associate professors) College of Business Administration, Mars 2018
- Best scientific paper in ecommerce, 4th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) 2014 Conference, Bali, January 7th-9th 2014
- Second best poster in social humanity, Kuwait University research sector, Kuwait University, March 2014
- Distinguished Teaching Award (best teacher), Kuwait University, October 2011
- Best Young Researcher in the Social and Humanities field, Kuwait University, June 2002
- Post doc Travel Grant: Highest Grant, Post-doctoal research at Université du Québec a Trois-Rivieres, Canada, Agence Francophone pour l’Enseignement Supérieure et la Recherche (AUPELF/UREF), France
- Second prize and congratulation of President of Rhône Alpes Region, 7th Annual Scientific Research Conference of Region Rhône Alpes, Lyon, France France “Designing and development of a strategic Business Intelligence” 27th September 1996
Undergraduate courses
- ISOM130 :Problem Solving Using Computers
- ISOM240:Introduction to Management Information Systems
- ISOM331: System Analysis and Design
- ISOM430 Database Management
- ISOM318: Technology Management
- ISOM 492: Business Intelligence
- ISOM 472: Project in Information Systems
- ISOM 492: Special Topics in Information Systems
- ISOM351: Introduction to Electronic Commerce
Graduate courses
- PA530: Electronic Government
- ISOM534: Management of Information Technology
- Rouibah K., Khalil O., and Aboul Ella Hassanien (2008), Emerging markets and e-commerce in developing economies, Idea Group Inc, 450 pages, INBN: 978-1-60566-100-1, web: https://www.igi-global.com/book/emerging-markets-commerce-developing-economies/334
- 2021: International program committee member and referee for the 12nd IADIS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2018 (IS 2021), 3 – 5 March 2021, Virtual Meeting, Web: www.is-conf.org
- 2020: International program committee member and referee for the 60th IACIS 2020 International Conference, October 7 – 10, 2020, in The Inn at Opryland, Nashville, Tennessee; web: www.iacis.org
- 2020: International program committee member and referee for the IACIS 2020 International Conference, Europe May 27 – 29, 2020Warsaw, Poland.; web: https://www.iacis.org/conference-europe/index.php
- 2020: International program committee member and referee for the 13nd IADIS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2018 (IS 2019), 2 – 4 April, Sofia, Bulgaria, Web: www.is-conf.org
- 2020: International program committee member and referee for the Information System Management (ISM), event of Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS), Sofia, Bulgaria, 6-9 September, 2020, Site: https://fedcsis.org/2020/aist.
- 2020: International program committee member and referee for the 8th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, to be held in Budva, Montenegro, 7 – 10 April 2020.; web : http://www.worldcist.org/
- 2020: International program committee member and referee for the International Conference on Applied Management Advances in the 21st Century 2020 (AMA21 2020), web https://ama21-conf.org/ – SÃo Paulo, Brazil, 5 to 7 of February, 2020.
- 2019: International Conference On Information Systems (ICIS 2018), Associate Editor [2018-Now] [Michael Rosemann, Sudha Ram and Jan Pries-Heje]: Web: http://icis2018.aisnet.org, San Francisco, CA, USA , December 13-16, 2018; Track chair Dr Paul Lowry
- 2019: International program committee member and referee for the 6th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIGL 2019); https://ccsit2018.org/cosit2019/sigl/index.html; January 26~27, 2019, Dubai, UAE
- 2019: International program committee member and referee for the 12nd IADIS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2018 (IS 2019), 11 – 13 April, Utrecht, Netherlands, Web: www.is-conf.org
- 2018: International program committee member and referee for the 58th IACIS 2018 International Conference, October 3 – 6, 2018, in Clearwater Beach Marriott Suites on Sand Key, Clearwater Beach, Florida; web: www.iacis.org
- 2018: International program committee member and referee for the 11th IADIS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2017 (IS 2018), 14 – 16 April, Lisbon, Portugal Web: www.is-conf.org
- 2017: International program committee member and referee for the 57th IACIS 2017 International Conference, October 4 – 7, 2017, in The Courtyard Philadelphia Downtown Marriot, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; web: www.iacis.org
- 2017: International program committee member and referee for 2017 International Conference on transformation and innovation in management, Shanghai, China 9-10 September 2017, web: http://www.tud.ttu.ee/web/Xiaosong.Zheng/ICTIM/
- 2017: International program committee member and referee for the 10th IADIS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2017, 10 – 12 April, Budapest, Hungary Web: www.is-conf.org
- 2016: International program committee member and referee for the 55th IACIS 2015 International Conference, October 5 – 8, 2016, in The Inn At Opryland, A Gaylord Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee; web: www.iacis.org